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Chinese Journal of Materials Research  2023, Vol. 37 Issue (8): 625-632    DOI: 10.11901/1005.3093.2022.493
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Heat Treatment Related Microstructure Evolution and Low Hardness Issue of Spray Forming M3 High Speed Steel
LIU Jihao1,2, CHI Hongxiao1(), WU Huibin2, MA Dangshen1, ZHOU Jian1, XU Huixia3
1.Institute for Special Steels, Center Iron and Steel Research Institute Co., Beijing 100081, China
2.Collaborative Innovation Center of Steel Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
3.Tiangong Aihe Special Steel Co. Ltd., Danyang 212312, China
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LIU Jihao, CHI Hongxiao, WU Huibin, MA Dangshen, ZHOU Jian, XU Huixia. Heat Treatment Related Microstructure Evolution and Low Hardness Issue of Spray Forming M3 High Speed Steel. Chinese Journal of Materials Research, 2023, 37(8): 625-632.

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Spray forming is a casting process, by which the molten metal is directly converted to a solid bulk with unique characteristics. When used in the production of high speed steel, spray forming materials typically present microstructures composed of refined polygonal grains, uniformly distributed carbides and low levels of micro and macro-segregation. The mechanical properties of the spray forming high speed steel are usually between ones made by powder metallurgy, casting and wrought. It can be considered as a cost saving alternative for large-scale industrial production of high-speed steels. But for high-speed steel produced by spray forming, its shortcomings can't be ignored: i.e. once being subjected to the same heat treatment, compared with the steels made by PM and CW process, the spray forming one often shows lower hardness. Focusing on the solution of aforementioned disadvantages, the effect of different heat treatments on the microstructural evolution and hardness variation was assessed for the spray forming M3 high-speed steel, and the adopted heat treatment involved quenching and tempering at different temperatures separately. Meanwhile the reasons for the low hardness of the spray-formed M3 high-speed steel were also discussed. The results show that SF M3 high speed steel quenched below 1230℃ can still ensure relatively fine grain size and uniform size distribution of carbide particles; Setting the tempering at 560℃, in case the quenching temperature raises from 1200℃ to 1230℃, after being quenched + tempered, the hardness of spray-formed M3 high-speed steel can be greatly improved. It is believed that the low hardness issue may be ascribed to the fact: the formation of a large number of MC type carbides with inhomogeneous composition in the spray forming atomization stage, the MC type carbides can't be fully dissolved in the steel matrix when quenching at lower temperature during the heat treatment process, resulting in insufficient amount of carbon and alloying elements in the matrix. Therefore, the low hardness issue is caused by the inability to fully exert the secondary hardening effect.

Key words:  metallic materials      spray forming M3 high speed steel      heat treatment      hardness     
Received:  09 September 2022     
ZTFLH:  TG142.7  
Corresponding Authors:  CHI Hongxiao, Tel: (010)62182268,

URL:     OR

Fig.1  Edge microstructure of SF M3 high speed steel (a) OM image; (b) SEM image
Fig.2  XRD spectrum of SF M3 high-speed steel in annealed state
Table 2  EDS analysis results of positions 1~4 in Fig.1b (mass fraction, %)
Fig.3  XRD spectra of SF M3 high-speed steel at different quenching temperatures
Fig.4  Morphology and statistical results of carbide at different quenching temperatures (a) 1150℃; (b) 1180℃; (c) 1230℃; (d) 1250℃; (e) carbide size-number distribution; (f) carbide percentage statistics
Fig.5  EDS surface scanning alloy element distribution and MC type carbide line scanning element distribution (a) mapping; (b) line scanning; (c) element change corresponding to Fig.5b
Fig.6  Hardness change curve of steel heat treated at different quenching and tempering temperatures
Fig. 7  Morphology observation and phase relationship of precipitated phase (a) bright field image;(b) dark field image;(c) SAED patterns;(d) diagram corresponding to (c)
Fig.8  Hardness comparison between SF and CW M3 high speed steel heat treated at different quenching temperatures
Fig.9  Diffusion curves of W, Mo and V alloy elements at different temperatures
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