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材料研究学报  2024, Vol. 38 Issue (12): 941-949    DOI: 10.11901/1005.3093.2023.620
  研究论文 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
王慧明1, 王金龙1, 李应举2, 张宏毅3, 吕晓仁1()
1 沈阳工业大学机械工程学院 沈阳 110870
2 中国科学院金属研究所 沈阳 110179
3 沈阳航天三菱汽车发动机制造有限公司 沈阳 110179
Finite Element Analysis of Dry Friction Wear of Al-based Composite Coatings
WANG Huiming1, WANG Jinlong1, LI Yingju2, ZHANG Hongyi3, LV Xiaoren1()
1 College of Mechanical Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870, China
2 Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110179, China
3 Shenyang Aerospace Mitsubishi Motors Automobile Engine Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shenyang 110179, China

王慧明, 王金龙, 李应举, 张宏毅, 吕晓仁. Al基复合涂层干摩擦磨损的有限元分析[J]. 材料研究学报, 2024, 38(12): 941-949.
Huiming WANG, Jinlong WANG, Yingju LI, Hongyi ZHANG, Xiaoren LV. Finite Element Analysis of Dry Friction Wear of Al-based Composite Coatings[J]. Chinese Journal of Materials Research, 2024, 38(12): 941-949.

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用冷喷涂技术在AZ91镁合金基体上制备出不同Al2O3含量(0%、15%、30%、45%)的复合涂层,测量Al2O3的沉积效率和涂层的孔隙率,进行往复干摩擦磨损实验并计算磨损沟壑体积,研究了Al2O3含量、载荷、频率对Al基复合涂层摩擦磨损行为的影响。建立Al基复合涂层的有限元模型,用嵌入Archard模型的摩擦磨损子程序得到了有限元磨损量仿真值并将其与磨损实验值对比。结果表明,随着Al2O3含量的提高复合涂层的孔隙率降低,Al2O3颗粒的沉积效率和耐磨性提高。在载荷为2 N、频率为1 Hz条件下Al2O3含量为0%、30%、45%的Al基复合涂层其有限元磨损量仿真值与实验值的差小于4%,证明了有限元模型的正确性。在此工况下用该模型计算出Al2O3含量为15%的涂层其有限元磨损量的仿真值为0.0249 mm3,与试验磨损量的差为5.9574%,表明此模型具有普适性。

关键词 材料表面与界面镁合金冷喷涂摩擦磨损有限元分析    

Al-based composite coatings with different Al2O3 contents (0%, 15%, 30%, 45%) were prepared on AZ91 Mg-alloy substrate by cold spraying technique, the deposition efficiency of Al2O3 and the porosity of the coatings were measured, and their reciprocating dry friction wear performance was examined in terms of wear gouge volume. Meanwhile, the effect of Al2O3 content, the applied load, and frequency on the friction and wear behavior of Al-based composite coatings were investigated. A finite element model of the Al-based composite coating was established, and the simulated values of the finite element wear volume were obtained by using the friction and wear subroutine (UMESHMOTION) embedded with the Archard model, which then were compared with those acquired from the friction and wear experiments. The results show that with the increasing Al2O3 content, the porosity of the composite coatings decreases, while the deposition efficiency of Al2O3 particles, and thereby the wear resistance of coatings increases. The simulated value of the finite element wear calculated by the model under this condition is 0.0249 mm3 for the coating with 15% Al2O3with a difference of 5.9574% compared to that acquired from the wear experiments, indicating the universality of the proposed model.

Key wordssurface and interface in the materials    magnesium alloy    cold spray coating    friction and wear    FEA
收稿日期: 2023-12-28     
ZTFLH:  TH117  
通讯作者: 吕晓仁,教授,,研究方向为材料表面工程技术
Corresponding author: LV Xiaoren, Tel: 13504077230, E-mail:
作者简介: 王慧明,女,1982年生,副教授
表1  AZ91镁合金的化学成分

Spray pressure

/ MPa

Gas temperature

/ oC

Powder feeding voltage / mVPowder feeding rate / g·min-1Nozzle distance / mm
表2  冷喷涂工艺参数
图1  磨损仿真流程
图2  SOLIDWORKS往复摩擦磨损的三维实体模型
图3  Al基复合涂层的模型
SampleMaterialElastic modulus / MPaΜρ / t·mm-3
CoatingAl700000.332.7 × 10-9
Al2O33750000.233.5 × 10-9
Grinding pairSi3N43200000.263.15 × 10-9
SubtrateAZ91450000.351.78 × 10-9
表3  模型材料的属性
图4  AlE网格区域
图5  Al基复合涂层的孔隙率
图6  复合涂层Al2O3沉积效率
Load / NFrequency / HzFriction coefficient
AZ91Al15% Al2O330% Al2O345% Al2O3
表4  AZ91镁合金基体和冷喷涂涂层的摩擦系数随载荷和频率的变化
Load / N


/ Hz

AZ91Al15% Al2O330% Al2O345% Al2O3
WearGully volumeWearGully volumeWearGully volumeWearGully volumeWear
表5  AZ91镁合金及其Al基复合涂层的磨损量与载荷和频率的关系
CoatingAl30% Al2O345% Al2O3
K / mm2·N-12.8292 × 10-57.9167 × 10-66.9583 × 10-6
表6  2 N、1 Hz工况下的磨损系数
图7  与AZ91基体相比Al基复合涂层耐磨性提升率ε
图8  AZ91镁合金和Al基复合涂层在磨痕的照片(a) AZ91; (b) 0% Al2O3; (c) 15% Al2O3; (d) 30% Al2O3; (e) 45% Al2O3
CategoryThickNormalThinVery thin
Grid side length / mm0.
Time / h10162562
Wear / mm30.02620.02250.01950.0192
表7  网格无关化的验证
图9  Al2O3粉末含量不同的Al基复合涂层的磨损深度有限元仿真云图
CoatingAl30% Al2O345% Al2O3
Simulated / mm30.07020.01950.0170
Experimental / mm30.06790.01900.0167
e / %3.38732.63161.7964
表8  Al2O3含量为0%、30%、45%的Al基复合涂层的磨损量仿真值和实验数据及其差
图10  Al2O3含量为15%的Al基复合涂层的磨损深度仿真云图
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