Finite Element Analysis of Dry Friction Wear of Al-based Composite Coatings |
WANG Huiming1, WANG Jinlong1, LI Yingju2, ZHANG Hongyi3, LV Xiaoren1( ) |
1 College of Mechanical Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870, China 2 Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110179, China 3 Shenyang Aerospace Mitsubishi Motors Automobile Engine Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shenyang 110179, China |
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WANG Huiming, WANG Jinlong, LI Yingju, ZHANG Hongyi, LV Xiaoren. Finite Element Analysis of Dry Friction Wear of Al-based Composite Coatings. Chinese Journal of Materials Research, 2024, 38(12): 941-949.
Abstract Al-based composite coatings with different Al2O3 contents (0%, 15%, 30%, 45%) were prepared on AZ91 Mg-alloy substrate by cold spraying technique, the deposition efficiency of Al2O3 and the porosity of the coatings were measured, and their reciprocating dry friction wear performance was examined in terms of wear gouge volume. Meanwhile, the effect of Al2O3 content, the applied load, and frequency on the friction and wear behavior of Al-based composite coatings were investigated. A finite element model of the Al-based composite coating was established, and the simulated values of the finite element wear volume were obtained by using the friction and wear subroutine (UMESHMOTION) embedded with the Archard model, which then were compared with those acquired from the friction and wear experiments. The results show that with the increasing Al2O3 content, the porosity of the composite coatings decreases, while the deposition efficiency of Al2O3 particles, and thereby the wear resistance of coatings increases. The simulated value of the finite element wear calculated by the model under this condition is 0.0249 mm3 for the coating with 15% Al2O3with a difference of 5.9574% compared to that acquired from the wear experiments, indicating the universality of the proposed model.
Received: 28 December 2023
Fund: National Defense Science and Technology Key Laboratory Fund(JCKY61420052021) |
Corresponding Authors:
LV Xiaoren, Tel: 13504077230, E-mail: xrlvsut@126.com
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