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Chinese Journal of Materials Research  2023, Vol. 37 Issue (1): 65-69    DOI: 10.11901/1005.3093.2021.627
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Effect of Molybdenum on Mechanical Properties of ZG04CR13Ni4Mo Stainless Steel
ZHANG Yutuo1,2, ZOU Hao1, WANG Pei2(), LIU Gongmei3
1.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang, 110159, China
2.Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research. CAS, Shenyang 110016, China
3.Three Gorges Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu, 610041, China
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ZHANG Yutuo, ZOU Hao, WANG Pei, LIU Gongmei. Effect of Molybdenum on Mechanical Properties of ZG04CR13Ni4Mo Stainless Steel. Chinese Journal of Materials Research, 2023, 37(1): 65-69.

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The phase transformation and mechanical properties of two steels of ZG04Cr13Ni4Mo with 12% Cr and 13% Cr, which being subjected to 893 K one-stage tempering and 893 K + 863 K two-stage tempering respectively, were investigated by means of thermal dilatometer, XRD and tensile tester, in order to clarify the effect of Mo and Cr, the two key alloying elements in ZG04Cr13Ni4Mo martensitic stainless steel, a candidate material used widely for hydraulic turbine runners. The results show that with the increase in Mo and Cr content, the As temperature (the beginning temperature of austenitization) decreases gradually. For steels with different Mo contents, the amount of martensite converted into reversed austenite in the heating and isothermally holding stage may definitely different with that by directly cooling down to ambient temperature after tempering, when they are subjected to primary tempering at 893 K within the intercritical temperature zone. Therefore, due to such difference in microstructure evolution, when Mo content increases from ~0.3% to ~0.6%, the yield strength of ZG04Cr13Ni4Mo steel containing 12% Cr decreases slightly, while the ultimate tensile strength increases slightly; in the contrast, the yield strength and tensile strength of ZG04Cr13Ni4Mo steel containing 13% Cr all slightly increased after 893K tempering with the same change in Mo content.

Key words:  ferrous metals and their alloys      ZG04Cr13Ni4Mo stainless steel      mechanical properties      Mo content      tempering     
Received:  12 November 2021     
ZTFLH:  TG141  
Fund: the Scientific Research Project of China Three Gorges Corporation(JD-YJ-05006)

URL:     OR

Table 1  Chemical compositions of experimental steels (mass fraction, %)
Fig.1  Variations of As and Af with different Mo contents in ZG04Cr13Ni4Mo stainless steels (a) Cr: 12%; (b) Cr: 13%
Fig.2  Variations of Rp0.2, Rm and A5 Elongation at room temperature with different Mo contents in ZG04Cr13Ni4Mo stainless steels with 12%Cr after 893 K one-stage tempering
Fig.3  Variations of Rp0.2, Rm and A5 Elongation at room temperature with different Mo contents in ZG04Cr13Ni4Mo stainless steels with 13%Cr after 893 K one-stage tempering
Fig.4  Variations of Rp0.2, Rm and A5 elongation at room temperature with different Mo contents in ZG04Cr13Ni4Mo stainless steels with 12%Cr after 893 K+863 K two-stage tempering
Fig.5  Variations of Rp0.2, Rm and A5 elongation at room temperature with different Mo contents in ZG04Cr13Ni4Mo stainless steels with 13%Cr after 893 K+863 K two-stage tempering
893 K tempering<2%<2%<2%<2%<2%
893 K+863 K tempering16.214.515.116.018.818.818.217.6
Table 2  Volume fraction of reversed austenite in the samples after one- and two-stage tempering (Volume fraction, %)
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